Adding your cost of Production using Combyne
This guide will show you how you can use Combyne to track your farm’s financial performance and your profitability to date by adding cost of production.
Getting started with our Financial features is simple and easy. Start with an average cost of production per acre for your different commodities and Combyne will let you begin to track your grain marketing performance.
What you need to start
- About 2 minutes
- Average cost of production per acre for your crops
1. To begin, click on Financials button in the main navigation bar
2. You will see an overview of all your crops and average contract price for them if you have started consolidating your contracts.
3. Click on the Add Cost button and enter your details the cost of production per acre and the total acres for the crop. Select Save when ready.
4. After saving, you will be presented with information on how well this crop is doing.
In this example, you can see that this crop is not yet in the positives for profit. The view gives you a quick glance of your average contract price per bushel for this crop to give you an idea of how well you are selling against your cost of production (also shown as a n average per bushel) to make that comparison easier.
5. Select the crop you have added the cost of production and grown acres for to be taken to a more detailed Financial Profile.
Here, you are presented with a more detailed Financial Profile for your crop based on the information you have started to track in Combyne.
In the Sales To Date tab, you can see the total revenue so far (based on the contracts you have uploaded), the total cost spent on the crop you have sold so far (based on your cost of production number you provided), and Profit/Loss on the sold crop.
6. Scroll down to see a breakdown of the contract details and how they compare to your cost of production.
7. To get more insights, click on the Progress To Profit tab.
8. Now you will be presented with different sets of financial information to give you more insights on how much more you need to make to hit you begin to make profit, see the Revenue to Breakeven card.
There you have it! With just a few steps, you are able to unlock these Financial insights using Combyne. Check it out, and let us know if you have any questions or feedback.