When you start using Combyne, you will be shown three steps to get your account up and running. This guide will walk you through the first step of setting up your first crop in Combyne.
What you need to start
- About 2 minutes (at most!)
- The number of bushels you grow
You can start with any crop and use bushels or any other unit of measurement you prefer.
1. To begin, click + Add to start adding your marketable crop.
2. Select the crop year for your commodity.
You can track previous crop years as well as your projected crops. For this example, we will select 2024 (Harvested) for our crop year, and start setting up a profile for a harvested crop.
Select Next.
Tip: If you add a projected crop, you will be able to mark it as harvested after your harvest, and start tracking deliveries towards it.
3. Select your commodity from the list of suggestions or use the search bar to find the crop you grow.
For this example, we will select Canola. Select Save and Finish.
Tip: If you cannot find the crop you grow, then you will see a Request Commodity button when you search for it. Click this button and let us know what crops we should add to Combyne!
4. After saving your selection, you are presented with the new marketing profile for your selected crop and year. You have now added your first marketing crop profile!
The next step is to add how much crop you have to market. Select + Add Total Marketable Crop.
Tip: This view shows you have a high-level view of your Marketing Status which includes your marketed position with unsold and sold quantities shown as a percentage, and your Storage & Delivery Status that is updated as you add your crop and upload trade documents like Contracts or Load Tickets.
5. Now time to add how much Total Marketable Crop (TMC) you have. TMC represents all the crop you have to market regardless of if it is projected, stored on your farm in bins, or kept at an off-farm elevator.
You can add how much TMC you have by selecting the plus “+” sign. In this example, we will select the Stored On Farm option.
Tip: You can also set up your quantities by adding up your totals from each bin! You can set up your yards and bins and add in your quantities all at the same time.
6. Type in your total gross crop into the Quantity text field and select your preferred unit of measurement.
You can add an Estimated Dockage & Shrink Percentage if you want that estimate to be removed from your TMC.
Select Save when ready.
7. Congrats! You have now set up your first crop on Combyne.
Next, you can start adding Contracts for your new TMC with our Combyne Capture technology and see how all this comes together in Combyne.